PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and is an important subject for helping children to develop their personal well-being and the skills needed to be a successful member of the community. Topics relating to safeguarding, for example the emergency services and e-safety, are embedded in the scheme of work, ensuring that children are taught key skills to help them to navigate the world around them.
We follow the Ealing Scheme of Work for PSHE which was developed in 2017 by the Ealing Health Improvement Team in conjunction with 6 local primary schools, including Hobbayne. All children, from Nursery to Year 6, study the same topics at the same time after being introduced to the theme in a whole school assembly. This enables the Hobbayne community to fully embrace the ideas being taught that term and to have both class and whole school activities on the topic. Children are also encouraged to consider and reflect on their personal development through the use of our 6R Learning Dispositions.
Autumn: Health and Well-Being:
Spring: Living in the Wider World
Summer: Relationships
PSHE helps to teach children a range of skills, including:
- Active listening
- Awareness of own needs
- Drawing conclusions
- Empathy
- Making decisions and choices
- Managing risk and personal safety Resilience
- Self-management
- Self-reflection
- Critical thinking
- Affirming self and others
- Analysing and evaluating situations
- Communicating ideas and views to others
- Drawing conclusions
- Managing stress and pressure
- Recalling and applying knowledge and skills
- Recognising distorted thinking
- Self-reflection
- Setting challenges and goals for self
- Team working
We were also the first school in Ealing to achieve the London Healthy School Award, a project which supports schools in developing the mental, physical and nutritional health of their pupils.