
Hobbayne Primary School

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At Hobbayne, we believe that the learning of a language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils.  It helps them to develop communication skills, including key skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The children’s knowledge of how language works will be developed and extended.  Lessons will enable pupils to make substantial progress in one language. The linguistic skills gained will assist and lay foundations for further language learning. It will provide pupils with the confidence and independence to explore and be able to attempt manipulation of the structure of language. Learning another language gives children a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.


All children in both Key Stage 1 and 2  learn Spanish. We follow the Primary Languages Network scheme of work. It is a live scheme which is continually updated and revised in order to meet with current curriculum standards. Alongside the planning provided, the network also enriches this through accompanying power points, pod casts (spoken by native speakers) links to authentic literature, songs, games, culture points of reference, links to appropriate websites.  To promote an active learning of languages, a range of teaching methods are implemented to ensure that the children are developing their linguistic skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing in order to be secondary ready. Activities can consist of actions, rhymes, stories, song, drama, grammar focus, video clips, air writing, sentence structure, dictionary work, book making and many more creative ways to extend, embed and combine language skills. 


Hobbayne has established strong links with Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch, a Spanish international school in Kensington, London, allowing both schools the opportunity to participate in programmes and learn from each other.

Spanish Skills Progression Map
